August 12, 2022

Elenka from As Above By Liza Penn

Willa Drew: Hi there. What should I call you? Do you prefer a nickname?
Elenka, Empress of the Sky Empire: Please, don’t call me “Empress!” The formalities of my title make me uncomfortable. Just Elenka is fine. 
WD: A pleasure to meet you Elenka. Thanks for agreeing to talk to us today. 
E: Thank you for having me! Any chance to speak to others and share ideas is important. 
WD: I agree. Can I get you something to drink? Water? Soda? Coffee? Wine? Whiskey?
E: Wine would be lovely, or tea...particularly if you have any cakes to go with it. 

WD: Tea and cakes. We will be friends. Tell me a little about yourself?
E: I grew up knowing that a prophecy was upon me--from the time I was a baby, it was foretold that my marriage alliance would unite all the kingdoms and bring forth peace. As such, I travelled extensively to all the lands, meeting princes and prime ministers, queens and generals. But none of us expected for a literal god to descend and claim me as his bride. I hope that my marriage with Brendle, the Emperor God of the Sky, will bring forth peace to the mortal lands I once called home. Although adapting as a human to this court of gods and nymphs has been more challenging than I previously thought. 

WD: Well, talk about unexpected. Where do you live?
E: Currently I’m in the royal suites of the Crystal Palace. It’s far more luxurious than anything I knew back in the mortal realms! I’m not sure it feels quite like home yet, despite having my husband with me. But at least I have a good friend in my maid and my dog, Blossom, gets to be in the room with me. He’s a huge black dog that Brendle calls a beast, but he’s the sweetest pup you’ll ever see. 

WD: Takes time to adjust to new surroundings. Do you have any jobs or hobbies?
E: I am solely focused on helping the people of the mortal realms prosper. I take my role as Empress very seriously--it’s not just about parties and reveling in wealth. I want to use my wealth to help others. I just have to convince the rest of the court that they should care about mortals...
WD: What are some of your likes and dislikes?
E: I love my dog so much! He’s so sweet--and sometimes a bit of a mystery. He disappeared for a whole day once, and came back with a note from an anonymous letter writer. Writing to my secret pen pal has become a special time for me. I know better than to let me guard down fully, but whoever’s been penning me letters has given me some wonderful advice and confidence. 

I don’t really like the way the nymphs and gods of court view humans. I’m the exception, as the Empress, but they treat most humans as disposable amusements. 

WD: Oh, those gods can be fickle. What is your greatest fear?
E: Failure. There is a great responsibility not just in my prophecy but also in my role. I must--must--serve my people! 

WD: Very brave of you. So, if you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
E: I...I should not confess this, but I do wish my husband would aid me more in caring for mortals. I know as Emperor he must rule all, but mortals are so often ignored. And...I feel like sometimes I am ignored as well, or, at least, my concerns are. He doesn’t want to keep me merely as a plaything though, surely? 

WD: Let’s hope not! Are you in love? 
E: I am! I am. I married the Sky Emperor, there could be no greater joy. Right?’s perfectly reasonable that he’s so busy. He’s the Emperor. Of course I should not jeopardize all his time. I am in love. That’s definitely what this is. I...couldn’t possibly know any greater joy than to be the Sky Emperor’s wife. I just...he will hear me. He will. He’ll help me to help others. I know it. Surely. 

WD: As a mortal myself, I hope so too. Do you have any special talents?
E: I do have the magic of illusions. All mortals who live in the Sky Empire have a gift of some sort of magic, but it’s enhanced greatly by the presence of the gods and nymphs who patronize us.
WD: That sounds fun. Do you like to cook?
E: I wish I could! But I’m not allowed in the kitchens. Ever. I’ve often wondered why...
WD: I’m curious as well. Do you have an archnemesis?
E: None at all. (Although, if you read the first chapter of my story, you may realize that’s not true…)
WD: Let’s try a fun question. If you could go back in time for one day, where would you go?
E: I met a gardener the day of my eighteenth birthday. He was so kind. I’ve often wondered if perhaps he knew that my entire life would change by that night--Brendle came to claim me, and I was whisked away to the Sky Empire. I’ve thought of that gardener often, of those hours before everything changed. 

WD: A gardener you say. Perhaps you’ll meet again someday. Are you happy we know your story?
E: So happy--I want to share my quest with others and let others see ways they can help. And if my love can inspire more love, that is wonderful!
And...well, I am glad that there are witnesses to the world I am uncovering. Much of what the mortals knew of the gods was wrong. For example, did you know that there is a pit in the court room? It’s always cold and dark, and the rumor is that it leads to the Underworld. I cannot find more information about it, and that worries me. I shall have to investigate further...
WD: A pit to the underworld. You do live an exciting life. Is there anything you want to say to your fans?
E: Please believe in me--I am trying my best to help! And always look for new routes. This is advice I fear I may have to take myself, soon enough...
WD: Can we look forward to reading more of your story?
E: Absolutely--my story updates every Sunday, with a new enticing chapter. 

WD: Unfortunately Elenka, that is all the time we have today. I wish you luck with your marriage and advocating for us mortals. 
E: Thank you for having me! And if you know anything about the Underworld, please do let me know. My dog always seems cold after he returns with a letter from my secret pen pal. Do you think I should ask about the Underworld?
WD: I have to say I’m curious as well. Maybe ask your secret pen pal for advice?
If you’d like to read Elenka’s 
story and find out more that pit check out cool pics etc. on Lisa Penn’s facebook page.

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