Willa Drew: What should I call you? Do you prefer a nickname?
Roselyn Bellmond: The prince calls me Roselyn and Cedrick calls me Red, but I’d prefer Rose.
WD: Rose it is. Welcome and thanks for agreeing to talk to us today. Can I get you something to drink? Water? Soda? Coffee? Wine? Whiskey?
Oh, no thank you. I can’t stay long.
Okay, let’s get this interview started then. Tell me a little about yourself.
I wish I could…it seems the Sorcerer has stolen my memories. That’s why I’m in such a rush–I’m trying to get them back.
Well, that is different. Can you remember anything at all?
Hmm, the first memory I had was in the Kingdom of Cadell. I came to during my wedding to—you won’t believe it—but a prince. Me? A princess? It doesn’t feel right. How is it possible when I feel more at home in Mistbrooke Forest than do in a castle?
WD:: At your wedding? Did you marry the prince?
No, thank goodness. It was a close call, but I escaped the prince in time.
WD: If you left the prince, then are you alone? Or is someone helping you?
The only person I know right now is Cedrick. He frustrates me until I want to scream, but really, he’s all I have. He saved me when he didn’t have to…I won’t forget that.
WD: Okay, I’m liking Cedrick. What have you discovered so far? Like do you have any special talents?
When I sing…it’s like I can communicate with the creatures in the forest. Is that normal?
WD: Not where I come from, but I think Mistbrooke might be a bit different from my part of town. How do you know you can talk to animals?
There is a little yellow bird that follows me around. He likes to sing with me.
WD: That’s nice. Any other things you’ve figured out?
Yes! I discovered I can sew. Did you see? I sewed Cedrick’s old tunic so it could fit me. I could get used to not wearing a corset.
WD: Corsets can be a pain. Anything else you dislike?
I dislike it when I ask someone a question and they answer in riddles. Why can’t people say what they mean?
Don’t like riddles much myself. What is your greatest fear?
The Sorcerer finding me. I don’t know what I’ve done to anger him, but he’s the one that cursed me.
WD:That’s fair. I’m a bit afraid of him myself. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
To break this curse so that I could have my memories back…sigh.
Yes. Absolutely. Break the curse. Wonder what the secret to breaking it is?
Wish I knew. But something tells me Cedrick has a big secret, and he’s not sharing.
WD: So he rescues you but is hiding something. There is definitely a story there
You know my story?? Tell me, please! It’s so frustrating to not even know my favorite color.
WD:Sorry, right. This must be very confusing for you. Is there anything you want to say to your fans?
R: Fans? Like I use with a ballgown? Hahaha! That’s funny. Me talking to my fan.
WD: We have gotten a bit off track. Can we look forward to reading more of your story?
Oh, you mean you will help me find my memories? Thank you so much!
Cedrick: Red! Where have you been? …and who is this?
Cedrick! I was on my way to catch up with you when I ran into–
C: *whispers* You can’t just talk to strangers. We don’t know them.
*whispers back* They have been very nice to me. They even offered me a refreshment and told me a joke about a fan. Why are you giving me a face? Remember, I didn’t know you when we met yesterday.
*whispers* Yes, that’s the point. You can’t go around trusting random people. We are in enough trouble as it is. You’re going to get us both killed. Now, let’s go.
Ugh, that man. He means well in his own way, but comes across harshly sometimes. Yesterday, he rescued me and has been looking out for me ever since.
C: Red!
I have to go. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Maybe I will see you again soon?
WD: I certainly hope so. Drop by anytime and give us an update. And she’s gone. That Cedrick is an interesting fellow. Maybe I can snag him for an interview next. Get some straight answers for Rose.
If you’d like to read Rose’s story and find out if she gets her memories back, connect with Callie on Instagram or Facebook